I am Human!

Musician, Chef, Scientist, Innovation Leader, Humanitarian, Entrepreneur…

Jaimin R. Shah

Everyone has a great teacher and that teacher is no-one else but “Life”! Just like everybody else, I learned a lot from my own life experiences. There is one universe outside of you and another inside of you! Believe me or not, the one inside you teaches more than the one outside!

I was born and grew up in an exotic subcontinent of India, joined the kindergarten at the age of 2. My childhood life was full of friends, cultural activities and scientific experiments! Yes, I really wished that we had a cool science laboratory at my primary school!

At the age of 16, I graduated from high school with a major in Science, completed a Bachelor’s degree before 20 and, moved to the United States for higher studies!

I graduated with a Master of Science in Pharmaceutical Sciences and started working in Research & Development in the Pharmaceutical Industry. Every day I come across scientific challenges. Medicine is the most fundamental human need! Finding better solutions for human ailments and advancing health and humanity is my top priority.

I dream of a world without hunger!